Guitar Tutorials for Beginners

Hi there! Coming here on my site means you are ready to begin your first step to the musical world and become a guitar master. Playing guitar takes up a tremendous amount of time to learn, but once you get through these tutorials I'm sure you can play your very first song.
Learning how to play the guitar will help you gain not only a new hobby but maybe even a career if you wish to pursue this as more than just a new experience.


The Intro to Mastering the Guitar

Okay in order to play guitar you obviously have to have a decent guitar which is most of time pretty affordable. The price ranging from about 40-60$. Also other handy equipments you can also include is an amp, if you bought a guitar capable to play with an amp. Other utilities you can use is a strap, capo, and picks. These are mainly the basic tools for playing guitar but it isnt all necessary when starting out. Also to ensure when the strings get old be sure to buy extra strings to be able change at a moments notice.

    Basic Chords
    Basic Notes